In the pharmaceutical industry, we speak of resistance when viruses and bacteria are not destroyed by chemical treatments.
Indeed, pharmaceutical treatments usually contain one, two or at best a limited number of molecules active against pathogens. These molecules do not destroy them 100%. There are often a very small number of pathogens left behind, which over time grow and thus produce a population that is now resistant to the treatment in question.
The advantage with natural medicine is first of all the principle: viruses and bacteria are living beings, just like the organisms they attack. Plants are also living beings. There is therefore a natural link between these 3 elements.
More technically, plants typically contain dozens or even hundreds of molecules that act synergistically against pathogens. This leads more easily to their complete destruction.
As you will have understood, natural medicine and plants are an excellent alternative in the event that modern treatments fail. The API-Codiv store offers a variety of effective treatments for resistant diseases.